Etheletta 6 Drop! Ya Beauty!

Etheletta 6 Drop! Ya Beauty!

Well, Etheletta 6 Drop is kind of like the Ethel 6 drop - which is a lovely, serene, wide cool calm thing and fills a large space in its floaty uplifting way... except that Etheletta is small enough to fit in a normal place! Hoo flipping rah. Rahhh! So, houses with beautiful stairwells and flats with lovely but modest mezzanine levels can use these relevant, graceful lighting suspensions without feeling like they're crowding the place. They last for ages, seem timeless enough not to go out of fashion, wash with a wipe or by being chucked in the bath, and bulb changing is easy as you like.
Watch out, I'm going to put more pics up on the listing showing interiors with Etheletta 6-Drops sooon...
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